Being Pushed Away From A Person You Like

Bare with me on this blog because its a working progress at the moment but I hope you will enjoy it any ways.

Have you ever felt like no matter how much you try to like someone or tell them that you like them and they seem to push you away without giving you a chance to get to know the real you.
 Seems like these days people like to push others away and never give them a chance to get to know the person if they like them. For what I have noticed before in high school, all guys care about is using the person to get a good grade or to get real close to peoples friends just because they are they pretty, hot, good, body, and etc.
 To me it seems like all that people care about is one thing or if the girl looks like a perfect barbie doll. Seems like no one cares about personalities or the average people because how I see it through out my life is mostly sexuality.
I have a crush on so many guys in the past and they don't even bother to get to know me and they just seem to push me away because I don't look like a "barbie doll" or wear pound "blobs of make on my face." I think that everyone is beautiful no matter if you don't wear make up or look like a certain way because how I see it natural beauty and just being yourself is the best way to go and we are beautiful in our own ways.
